31 October 2010

This year

for Halloween, I did a bunch of nothing. Really, my favorite holiday and I didn't even have a costume.

I got a bit in the spirit on Friday--I at least wore bat socks, orange and black, and passed out candy to folks at work. They seemed to appreciate it and enjoyed how I had the candy put together. I used this box I keep tea in and everyone seemed to think it looked coffin-like :) Afterward I folded up one of those little origami boxes with a lid and filled it with candy for one co-worker's kids. They sometimes make pictures for me and they helped me make hot cocoa mix when I visited their house once--I even let them borrow my Punky Brewster dvds once...see, I'm nice sometimes!

Last Sunday Heather and I attended "The Haunted"--a ballet put on by The Lexington Ballet. It was awesome! I loved all the music and they had some great lighting. As it went on I found myself figuring out which dancers I like best, etc. There are some photos up on their facebook page if anyone's interested. Hopefully it becomes a tradition.

Next weekend is Scarefest, hopefully that does the job and fills my Halloween spirit.


Peddie said...

Were the ballet pictures in the "other performances" folder? COOL! Yay, you like ballet (is what I'm understanding)!!!

And sad with so little Halloween... but good about scarefest.

Unknown said...

it was a good performance with some music i really like, so yes, quite enjoyable ballet.

Peddie said...

That makes my little old ballet feet happy.